What's my bio?
BASTERRETXEA is Doctor in Industrial Engineering from the University of Swansea (UK), Master (MPhil) in Materials Engineering
from the University of Exeter (UK)
and Chemical Engineer from the University
of País Vasco (Spain).
Asier has
held executive / managerial profiles in major corporations, and has founded,
developed and directed technological Startups, which has left in his
"professional DNA" the mark of both worlds, between which he moves
He has
worked as an R&D engineer for Rolls
Royce Aerospace (UK), although the bulk of his career has focused on
strategic consulting, innovation and entrepreneurship. He has been Innovation
Director at the consulting firm Everis
(NTT) and co-founder of the startup SociosInversores.com,
the first equity crowdfunding platform in Spain, which has financed more than a
hundred Spanish Startups. He is currently fostering a new venture called The Startup Camp, an innovative
immersive programme in startup creation and administration. He is a natural born
leader, and is also experienced at C-Level leadership development and training.
He is also
founder and President of Madrid Startup
House (MSH) association, which fosters entrepreneurship within the digital
ecosystem of the European Commission, and also founder and President of ExO España association, which aims to
develop the exponential organizations model within the Spanish businesses, as a
way to promote its organizational transformation and evolution.
Management Skills: empathy; empowerment and delegation; promotion of
participation and self-management; development of “redarchical-sociocratic”
structures. Proactivity: able to
drive changes, take initiative, take risks and make courageous decisions; full
accountability for his actions and decisions; persevering person –does not give
up in the face of difficulties. Effective
relationships: able to collaborate effectively with others, communicate
with empathy and manage conflict skillfully. Adaptability: comfortable with multicultural diversity, speaks
languages, has a broad mind and is versatile; able to establish trusting
relationships anywhere in the world. Great capacity for learning, accompanied
by a natural curiosity. Innate leadership ability, from a natural perspective
of service to others.
Integral vision of context and business, from a
strategic global view to operational and technical detail. Effective 360º
relationship and dialogue with stakeholders at all levels, internal and
external. Leadership and managerial capacity of high-performance transversal /
multidisciplinary teams. Marked customer orientation (internal and external). Proven
experience in delivering tangible results and substantial value contribution.
Experience as Product Owner and Scrum Manager in
complex IT developments. Practical experience in the use of agile methodologies
in various contexts: development of new products and services, both physical
and digital; development of new companies and business models; development of
new organizational schemes. Familiar, either as a direct implementer or as a
coordinator and project manager, with specific tools such as design thinking,
scrum, kanban, Lean Startup, customer development, Exponential Organizations,